Gariwerd Creation StoryIn the time before time, the Great Ancestor Spirit, Bunjil, began to create the world we see around us; the mountains, the lakes, the forests and the rivers, the plains and the seas. He created all the plants and all the animals.
When he had created the beautiful sandstone ranges of Gariwerd, he often took the form of Werpil the Eagle so that he could view his work. He looked over the cliffs and the mountains. He listened to the sound of water, dripping after rain and thundering over waterfalls. He watched the plants and animals grow - From moss and tiny blades of grass to tall sturdy gums; from birds that flew to animals that burrowed through the soil. Bunjil had a special place near Gariwerd. From there he could look out over the ranges. He is pictured there in Bunjils Shelter with his two helpers, two Wirringan, or dingoes. Bunjil appointed two brothers, the Bram-bram-bult brothers, sons of Druk the Frog, to finish the task he had set himself. Their job was to bring order to the new world; to name the animals and creatures, to make the languages and give the laws. At the end of his time on earth, Bunjil rose into the sky and became a star. He remains up there to this day, the protector of the natural world, his people and their beliefs. Meanwhile the Bram-bram-bult brothers had a big job, sorting things out here on earth. There was a huge, ferocious emu called Tchingal who lived on the flesh of people and animals. His home was in the malee scrub. He was hatching an enormous egg. Read More (PDF opens in new window) Why Gariwerd Motel?When we bought the motel in 2015 it already had the name Gariwerd Motel and we wondered if it was a good idea to change it. It's a funny sounding name, and most people do not know what it means. It's hard to pronounce and hard to remember. These are not good characteristics for a business name to have. But after spending some time here, and talking to some of the local Aboriginal people, we decided it was a wonderful honour to be able to help keep the Gariwerd name in the public eye. So the Gariwerd Motel it is. The Gariwerd Motel in the place that has always been called Gariwerd.
Want to Know More? Visit BrambukIf you would like to know more about the Aboriginal heritage of the Gariwerd (Grampians) region, we strongly recommend a visit to Brambuk, the national park & cultural centre.
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