We have taken a pledge to help Climate Change
Green EnergyStep 1 was switching energy providers. We chose Momentum Energy because they are a 100% Australian Owned renewable energy company (owned by Hydro Tasmania).
Step 2 is an ongoing process of replacing inefficient (and noisy!) air-conditioners with new units with a much higher energy efficiency rating. |
Green CleanersThere are a lot of chemicals involved in keeping a motel clean. And a lot of them should not be going down our drains.
Angeline makes almost all of our cleaning products using a few simple, and eco-friendly ingredients. Where we can't make them ourselves, we source the most environmentally friendly products available. |
Green BathroomsWhile everyone loves the little motel soaps, the unfortunate reality is that after they get used once or twice, these little blobs of fat and oil are left behind to go into the bins. That's a lot of waste.
And that's why we are converting to wall-mounted squeeze units, dispensing an environmentally friendly soap, in all our rooms. More hygienic, and much less waste. |
Zero Food Waste in LandfillWe have an ambitious, (but we think achievable) goal to completely eliminate food waste at the Gariwerd Motel. We've got a pretty comprehensive composting system out the back of the motel. Almost all the food waste that comes in from the buffet, and our own personal household food scraps are chopped up, mixed up with the barrow-loads of leaves and grass clippings we collect every week, and placed in several large compost bins.
The compost we've brewed so far is being used to feed our bushfood gardens. Next step is to develop and easy (and hygienic) way for our guests to also recycle the food waste from their rooms. Then we can hit that zero waste target. |
Bushfood GardensWe LOVE the Food is Free Project, and we are planting our own Food is Free gardens all around the motel. With a difference: most of our gardens are filled with native Australian bush foods.
We've partnered with Blake's Bushfood to make sure we get this right. So far we've planted several species that are growing well and available for guests to help themselves to: